Security companies in previous times were used to provide businesses with security guards. Those guards were used to monitor the activities all day. But now security businesses have introduced new ways to provide security to businesses as well as houses. They have turned their business into security products and systems. For example, CCTV monitoring, fire alarms, intruder alarms and ACPO monitoring alarms. Mainly there are two areas in which security companies earn more money.
Following are the areas of security businesses which makes more money.
1. Fire Alarm Systems:

Fire alarms are one of the products of security companies which are used to prevent the building, machines, furniture and infrastructure of the company from a fire. The old way to prevent companies from the fire was to get the insurance and the insurance companies were used to pay back the money if the claims were right. But now the systems are innovated and prevent from fire using precautions. Fire alarms are a better approach because they are cheap as compared to insurance companies and the rest of the money can be used in other places for betterment.
Fire alarms have different features available and at the time of installation customer and can add or remove features according to the requirement and size of the firm. The fire alarms have such features available which detect fire in the building. When the fire is detected the system automatically turns the alarms and evacuation on. Meanwhile, the employees and other people present in the building can go out and fire does not spread. Fire alarms have the feature to contact ambulances and fire brigades so that they could be rescued and treated people on time. Wireless fire alarms in Manchester are common products due to which it can be bought from any security service provider in Manchester.
2. Intruder Alarms:

Intruder alarm system is the second most popular product of security services providers. Intruder alarms are wireless devices and have a network of integrated electronic devices which are connected together and ensures the security of the building. It protects the place from non-permitted and illegal people to enter. Intruder alarms are integrated with the different devices. Which are available with and without wires. Other products that are attached to these security systems include security cameras and sensors which are attached near gates and windows to monitor entrance.
Intruder alarms have integrated connections with the rest of the devices which help intruder alarms to work properly. There are wire and wireless cameras also which show the image of people who are entering the building and identify it with the people in the database. And when any person who is not permitted to entry enters in the building then the alarms automatically becomes on. There are also emergency contacts which are saved in the systems at the time of installation. Whenever the non-permitted person enters the building, security system informs the contacts through call and text message. Due to this high-quality performance, these are bought by the people more.
There are many security companies in the UK which provide these 2 services to people. As the demand is high therefore the earning of security companies is also high because of these two kinds of products.